Present :
Hey guys this is Srini..and at last I am blogging..
(1)Like most of you I am an engineering student..
(2)I am placed in HP in one of its R&D teams..
(3)I also have got an internship at Analog Devices which I am currently undertaking...
This blog is a tribute to my mind which found out that I find solace in writing and story telling...
4 years 7 months 20 days back (Phew!!! thanks to google)...
It was the month of May...Summer in Coimbatore is normally warm but that year it was cool due to frequent rains..It was the day of class 10 public exam results and more importantly the day to decide in which school I wud continue my High School...As usual the day started with my mother waking me up with a splash of cold water at 8:30..
(1)"Vikku go to school and check out the results..I ve got application forms for the 3rd time from Lisieux and I want you to do ur High School there..The boys studying there are very intelligent and I want u to be in their company." I shot back with my usual dialogue "Mom school's not a problem.Knowledge is emanating from all four directions" It was her turn now and she shot back with her usual dialogue and so on..It was 9 and I got a call frm my friend.. "Dey machan u got school 4th da..92% As usual Maggi dan first..guess who's second...Its Sanjeev da...Giri's third...Seri Seri..come to school soon...We ve got exceptional results this time..Every one in first class..So admissions likely to end soon..Natty wants to meet u guys." and he disconnected..Two things wre shocking...
1)Exceptional results - That was once in a dark blue moon stuff in our school since most of the guys wanted to look after their dad's shop and most of the girls....
2)Giri got third - Not as much shocking as the results but never the less shocking to me coz this meant the top 3 ranks wre from Shilpa's class..
In my mind voice ,"Natty's started his canvassing as usual...What happened to Shilpa ?? Ok lets hurry up.."
No matter how much ever i fight with mom i keep no secrets with her and vice versa..In fact I even told her once that I had eaten chicken which I could well ve concealed..On hearing me she was quiet and went to sleep.. The next day she asked me to take her to a shop and stopped at a butcher's on the way.."Wait here ll get some chicken and ask Arifa akka to cook it for you..". Slap!!!I stopped consuming even egg frm then on..
I told about my telephonic conversation to mom and that all the more accelerated her spirits..She was a determined woman..I brush'd and bath'd and dress'd in half hour..Had brunch and set off to school..
I was greeted there by 'my friend'..."Dey maths le nee 196 Science I le 94 Science II le 98..." I wanted to ask how much Shilpa got..
"Maths le 3 centums Maggi, Giri, Shilpa...Science le........" and nothing registered after Shilpa...My mind was in a world of its own..shutting all external accesses...I was half happy and half sad...Happy coz she had done well in wat mattered..Sad coz she was with standing with the maths centum club...and I was left with my yapping friend..
Shilpa was in Tamil section..I was in Hindi..She was in the same section as the top3 of the school..."The geek section"...I was on the other extreme...It was Rajasthan in Coimbatore ,with me and 'my friend' being the only Tam-Brahms...rather Tamil speaking guys..Being in such a class has lots of advantages..
1) U have good looking north indian girls(none like shilpa though).
2) U can get to know atleast 3 slangs of Hindi.
3) U can always escape homeworks coz the whole class doesn't do..
4) U can never miss a PT class coz thats top priority..
Now lets get back to Shilpa...She's a TamBrahm too..So are many others in Geek Section..Tall, fair and all those features that make girls good looking...The things that attracted me the most are
1) She's the captain of the school volley ball team.(that being a TamBrahm is a great feat)
2) As far as my brain cud contemplate she's innocent.
Now back to yapping...my mind was looking out for words starting with the syllable 'Sh'..and there was a hit.."Shilpa said she's gonna take computer science here da."...
Now came the time to make the first big decision of ma life..I had not decided wat I shud do in high school...Mom always wanted me to be a doctor coz she was constantly in the blues or blacks of her health and there were many engineers in my family but no doctors...But with 67% reservation and only around a 1500 seats,it was well out of reach...So the obvious choice was Engineering..Not that the reservation was any less, but the number of seats were nearly 10 folds..Next big question was that of school...It was the most difficult question though there wre only two choices..stay back or move to Lisieux.. When ever I couldnt come to a solution using reasoning, I backed my instincts....This method worked wonderfully well with Chemistry one marks (hit ratio of 9/10)...I decided to use it to determine my school..I cudn reason properly coz some changes external or internal made me half responsible...The real trade off I could reason out was between studies and coping with a new environment. There was Shilpa,Cricket,friends, PT room etc in the back of the mind but the Responsible component took charge..Something inside me said 'change' and I decided that I was gonna change...For the first time in life I felt satisfied for having preserved both mine and mom's interests..
July 3 2004,First day at Lisieux matriculation higher secondary school...The campus is situated at a prime location in the city and is known for its sophistication...If there was a place in Cbe where u could find a car almost in every house, it was the lisieux neighborhood at Sai baba colony named after the famous Naga Sai Baba temple here...
Another thing Sai baba colony is famous for is its coaching centers like Centum, Top rank , State rank etc... Coaching centers make a fortune in Tamil Nadu...The fees in Cbe is around Rs 4000 per subject and most people don't mind it coz in Tamil Nadu,most 12th std students under State Board study for a seat in one of the top 5 institutions in Tamil Nadu (excluding IIT and NIT) viz CEG (Anna University),PSG Tech , MIT (Anna University),GCT Coimbatore and CIT ..The centers are experts in time management as they accommodate 3 batches for class 12 and one each for class 11 and 10 everyday , year after year..The week ends are completely dedicated for tests...The students are so well coached rather trained tht when u give page number, and subject as input to their neural network , the output is the contents of the page accurate to the closest 'is'...But luckily such photocopying stuff reserves only 200 marks on 300 (whenever we speak of reservation theres a 67% !!!!!)and the TNPCEE entrance exams constitute the remaining 33%..This is how engineers are made..rather engineering students are made..
Nice start !!.. It always gives an enthusiasm when a personal touch is given ;) ... Btw, this post seems to be some form of "2 states" ... hope u get what I mean !! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the info. It sounds pretty user friendly. I guess I’ll pick one up for fun. thank u
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